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- Week 2: Gallery Walk
Posted by : AnnieAKiwi
Thursday, January 15, 2015
week I began teaching Social Studies again. I created my own gallery walk that
I took from my Social Studies course. I printed out three images of events that
occurred while Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was still alive. Before I began the
lesson, I taped two of the images in the back of the room and set up sticky
notes. I did not state the purpose at the beginning of the lesson. I displayed
the picture I was going to model on the ELMO. Then I asked them what they saw
in the picture. I picked on a few of the students and made a caption according
to their answers. I gave out instructions and called out two tables at a time
to walk over the back. Once everyone was at the back of the room, I gave them
an opportunity to choose which picture they wanted to see.
Photo credit to Wikipedia.
they finished choosing, I instructed them to get a stinky note from the board
and head back to their desks. Almost all the students were starting their
captions with “I see.” So, I had to refresh their memories on what captions
were and how it started. I walked around the room and picked two students to
share their captions with the class. I used these two students as examples on
how the captions should look like. Then, I had them all come up and stick their
sticky notes under the picture they chose. By the end of the lesson, I realized
that the students did not really get anything out of the first day of the gallery
walk. The gallery walk will be for two days.